Thursday, May 16, 2013

Using Ceiling Fans and Air Circulation Year Round to Lower Engery Consumption and Increase Comfort

If you own a home and are dealing with the aggravation of hot weather during the summer months and no heat during the winter months, you might want to look in to the quality of air circulation in your home. Many people do not realize that fans can only do so much to circulate the air in your home. Fans are a good thing because they do circulate the air in your home but you also have to think of the winter months when the heat is on. The best way to determine if you're getting the proper air circulation in your home Is to determine how much air is being circulated by the fans or ceiling fans in your home. The one thing that many people have to realize is that ceiling fans have a directional button built right into them so they you can switch the direction that the fan as turning depending on the time of year. A good rule of thumb is to have the fan push the hot air down in the winter, and pull the hot air up in the summer.

Ceiling fans come in very handy all round because they can help you spread the heat during the winter and during the cold air to the ceiling during the summer. Everybody knows that heat rises so in the summer you want the fan to suck up the cold air from the floor to circulate it all around the house. You can purchase any ceiling fan that you want because there are many different styles and sizes to fit anybody's needs and anybody's room. That is another thing that you have to consider when you are purchasing a ceiling fan because if you get a fan that this too small for the room it may not provide the circulation needed to ventilate the room.

Another thing that you could look into getting to circulate the air in your home is either an air conditioner or a central area unit. A central air unit is used to circulate the air in a larger home or industrial place of business because they can regulate the temperature in multiple rooms at one time. This is why you find many central air units alongside the houses they are cooling. These units are very productive because they do not use a lot of energy and can cool down your home in very little time.

If your home is not that big then you can get a window air conditioner. The window air conditioner cools down a small area and sits in the window of your home. These units do not cost a great deal of money and are energy efficient if you get the right model of air conditioner.

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