Friday, November 15, 2013

How to Choose an Air Conditioning System - HVAC Guide

If you go air conditioning shopping, you will realize there are quite a few different systems out there. So how do you know which air conditioning system to choose? It can be a little daunting to say the least. Below is the main types of air conditioners available, with a description of the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

1. Box Or Window Units - Box or window units are the cheaper air conditioning units sometimes found in motels and apartments. They are good at air conditioning one room only. They are a cheap and easily available option. Sometimes these box units come in cooling only, whilst others come in both cooling and heating forms. The main problems with these units are that they can be a little noisy and they are a little ugly looking. They will also only air condition the room they are located in.

2. Ductless Or Wall Splits - Wall split units look like a long thin box that sits on your wall. Some models are available as cooling only devices, but the majority of models now days come in both cooling and heating options. Like window units, they can only be relied upon to air condition the room they are located in. They are however are good cheap option although they are a little more expensive than a window unit. They do come in brand names as well as stylish modern options that are available.

3. Ducted Evaporative - Ducted evaporative systems are a good cheap way to cool your entire home. They are often also used in factories as they are robust and good at cooling large areas. Evaporative coolers are also relatively cheap to install and to run. The main disadvantages with evaporative coolers is that they do not offer any heating, they bring moisture into your home and they will not work in humid weather.

4. Central/Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning -Central air conditioning or reverse cycle ducted is by far the best option available. It will offer both cooling and heating, and can be set to a certain temperature. These systems will also work year round to provide comfort. The disadvantages of these systems are that they can usually only heat/cool about half your home at any one time. They are generally not designed to run a whole house at once. They are also quite expensive to both install and to run.

5. Portable Air Conditioner/Heater - Portable air conditioners are the type you see sold in stores. The advantage of these systems are that they are cheap and portable. The disadvantages are that these systems are costly to run and will do little to actually heat and cool your home, and therefore are best avoided.

If you work out your needs you should be able to then pick an appropriate air conditioner from the list above. This list will ensure you are getting the best system to suit your lifestyle.

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