Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Positive Qualities of a Portable Air Conditioning Unit

When I think of air conditioning I can think of two things. One would be central air because that is the type of air conditioning that I have now. However, when I was growing up, we did not have central air. We had one of those big, bulky air conditioning units that you stuck in the window. Well nowadays things have changed and technology just continues to grow and progress. air conditioning units have now changed to the point that there are even portable air conditioners. What could be some of the advantages to having a portable unit be?

For one thing, portable air conditioners are, obviously, smaller and more compact. They are not as bulky as systems used to be. They also have the ability to be moved around easily. Since they are smaller, they are also lighter in weight so it is not nearly the hassle to move it around as it would be a window unit. Another advantage is that with the petite size it can be easily stored or stowed in a spot where it is less likely to be noticed. Everyone knows that when you live in a smaller space there is not nearly as much room to store things, so having the ability to stow this unit away when not needed because it is smaller is definitely a pro.

Another plus to having the portable air conditioner is that even though it is smaller, as mentioned above, it pushes out the same amount of air that the rest of the units do. The window and wall mounted units are making the same amount of air cool as the much smaller portable unit. Just like the old saying, don't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge an air conditioning unit by its size. These units are just as capable of cooling off somewhat large areas as the larger units are.

Other benefits of having a portable unit are that they use less electricity as well as have less maintenance checks. The highest points in electricity bills are in the dead of winter with heating bills and in the height of summer with air conditioning bills. The fact that portable units use less electricity is something that has caught many customers' eyes. The reason there are less maintenance checks with the portable air conditioning systems is because there are not as many parts inside the unit which can lead to malfunctions or breaking.

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