Saturday, December 7, 2013

Direct Purchase HVAC Equipment - A Guide to Heating & Cooling System Purchasing For DIY

So you have made the decision to or have purchased your own heating and cooling equipment. Till now, you are surprised how easy the process has been. You found a reputable supplier who was able to take you by the hand and assist you in your selection of replacement heating and cooling system equipment for your home. The ordering process was a breeze. You are stunned at how quickly your product was shipped and received. So far, this is easy! The best part has been the savings, so now what is next?

Well, with great savings comes responsibility. Let's get something out in the open right now. If you are the type of consumer who wants an all-inclusive, turnkey purchase and installation, then this new alternative may not be right for you. But, the fact that you are considering or have purchased your own HVAC equipment, indicates that you are of the do it yourself mindset, or you are among the many who have become extremely concerned with their personal finances, and therefore have found an alternative to local contractor sources.

The question gets asked over and over again, "who will install my new system"? Well the answer can actually take multiple directions to the same end. One alternative is to complete as much of the total project as you can yourself, within your skill set and level. This can include placement and setting of outdoor condensers or heat pumps, the running of new refrigeration line sets if necessary, and even electrical wiring, if you are capable, and if local codes permit. In the same, gas furnaces and electric air handlers can also be do it yourself projects, up to certain points in limitations. If you are capable of running or altering your vent pipe or pipes, and again running and or hooking up electrical connections, then go for it. If you have the tools and possess the skills to install or alter your ductwork as may be necessary for your replacement furnace or air handler, and you have access to these materials, then by all means continue to be proactive in your savings through the process. But, and this can not be emphasized enough, when it comes to the process of physically connecting refrigeration lines, vacuuming down the refrigeration system, and actual startup of this highly technical equipment, do not attempt this yourself. This portion of your project needs to be reserved for a licensed trained professional.

So this brings up the subject of hiring a professional to either completely install your direct purchased equipment, or to assist in and complete your do-it-yourself project. The following are tips and considerations for hiring local talent:

o "Friends & Family" - I know, this sounds like either a cell phone plan, or the people you invite to a Tupperware party. But, in reality, friends and family can be a great resource. Almost everyone, especially in smaller communities, either know themselves are related to or knows someone who is related or knows an HVAC contractor, installer or technician. These HVAC professionals are often willing to be of assistance, in part because of relationship. So, ask around. You may be surprised at what or who you discover.

o Local HVAC professional - This option is obvious, but the path you take here, can be key in the success of this direction. Many local HVAC contractors are loyal to and advertise specific brands of equipment. These contractors usually make the majority of their income in profit by marking up the equipment that they furnish to their customers. And we need to be clear, that this is perfectly fine and acceptable, but that this will probably not fit into your plan for saving money. The branded contractor will oftentimes be resistant to a request to assist a homeowner who has purchased their own equipment, as they are not able to charge their normal profit margins. So for that reason, when searching for a local HVAC technician to assist in or to install your complete project, it helps to understand, the contractor's motivation. This is where a great little term comes into play. "Time & Material". Just as there are contractors who utilize equipment markup, there are also many contractors who operate under time and material basis. This means that these contractors will do the work that you request and will charge you based on their normal hourly rate plus charges for any materials that they provide and are utilized in your project. So, to recap this section, when searching the Yellow Pages for a contractor, calling the large ad, name brand contractor may not be in your best interest. Calling the less advertised professional will more then likely result in successfully finding an installing contractor who is happy to earn their normal fees and wages.

o Don't Be Greedy - This is one of the biggest mistakes a homeowner can make. Here is how it happens. After finding a great deal and saving thousands of dollars, the homeowner will then try to see how much money they can save by over negotiating with their prospective contractor. So why is that a bad thing? Well, this is where the homeowner may "swallow the elephant & choke on the ant". This is to say that the homeowner forgets that their primary savings has been in the direct purchase of their equipment, and they then may derail their project by focusing too much concern and attention on the expense related to hiring the professional portion of their project. Here is an example: A homeowner gets a bid of $8,500 to replace a heat pump system. Upon investigation, the homeowner then discovers that they are able to purchase the same or near identical equipment for $3,500. The homeowner now has $5,000 to work with to procure and pay a local contractor. But often, they forget that their end savings can't be the total of the sum, and that they must utilize a portion of the savings to secure local talent. In the end, it is not unusual for the homeowner to save, after hiring a professional, $2,000 - $3,000. I can't imagine mot being happy about that. In today's economy, that is the best investment......PERIOD!

o Buzz Words - It is important to utilize some key terms and phrases, when hiring your local professional contractor. "Time & Material" are key terms to use when talking to your prospective professional. They will understand that you are in tune to their pay structures and will be more willing to negotiate. Telling the contractor that "you are more then happy to pay them their normal labor rate for their help" can go a long way to securing your professional. Another very important statement to make is that you "Have already purchased your equipment". This will let the contractor know where you are in the process and that you are not in the market for the equipment. As stated above, some will not be happy with this, but there will be many who are happy to get the work and will do a great job. You just have to be willing to search a little.

It's Your Money! - Remember that in the end, the $1,000, $2,000 and more that you save is "Your Money

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