Sunday, December 8, 2013

Save Money on Your Air Conditioning Bill and Other Useful Tips

In this down economy, everyone is trying to save money where they can. The concept of saving electricity dollars is usually difficult for the average person to really understand because they don't see the benefit until a month later on their utility bill. Even then, they may not know if action they are taking is really reducing their overall energy use. Most people know to turn off lights and turn up the air conditioning when they are not home. Those two things alone could save up to 5 percent in electricity costs per year if done diligently. What people might not know is that they could save even more by doing some smart things that can reduce electricity costs.

Here are some of those helpful hints that can cut your overall electricity costs:

1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

During the summer months, program your thermostat to 78 - 80 degrees for hours when you are home. Program it to increase the temperature about 5 degrees while you're gone and to return to a comfortable temperature shortly before you return home. In Arizona, the two major utility companies, SRP and APS have "Time-of-Use" plans in which electricity costs more during certain hours of the day. Program your thermostat to move to a higher but comfortable temperature during those high-peak, high-cost hours. For every degree you set your thermostat above 80 degrees, you can save approximately 2-3% on cooling costs.

2. Perform Regular Maintenance on your Air Conditioning Unit

Have your air conditioning and heating system inspected and serviced by a qualified HVAC contractor twice a year to ensure the system is operating at peak efficiency before summer and winter. It may cost a few dollars initially, but the service may also prevent costly breakdowns in the future such as compressor or leaking condenser coil.

3. Change Your Air Filters at Least Once a Month
Changing filters is a task that is easy to forget in our busy lives. Write it on your calendar or add it to your "To Do List" on your computer so that it is done monthly. Clogged or dirty filters will inhibit air flow which will result in a higher electricity bill. Another reason to change them is that by constantly starving your air conditioner of proper air flow with dirty filters could cause a premature compressor failure in your system.

4. On Your Thermostat, set the Fan to AUTO Rather than the ON Setting

This setting allows the fan to turn off when the system is not cooling. According to many utilities, using "Auto", rather than "On", could save you $15 - 25 dollars each month on your energy costs. If you must have circulation throughout the house, use ceiling fans.

5. Leave at Least 90% of Your Air Vents Open
People sometimes think it will save energy to close vents in rooms not being occupied. The opposite is true. Closing too many vents in your home may reduce the effectiveness of your cooling system and provide insufficient air return.

6. Replace Your Cooling System with a More Energy Efficient Model

The efficiency of heat pumps and air conditioners is indicated by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. According to Federal Government, replacing a 10 to 15 year old unit with a properly sized newer 15 SEER system could save you as much as 35 to 45% on your air conditioning or electricity bill.

7. Replace Light Bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs are becoming much more common place. They even come in sizes that will fit traditional receptacles and look a whole nice that they used to. If you change out five of your most frequently used bulbs, say 100-watt incandescent to 25-watt CFLs, you can expect to realize more than $46 dollars in annual electricity savings

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