Sunday, December 1, 2013

Small Air Conditioners - The Guide to Better Cooling

Small air conditioners can take away the incredible heat and humidity of summer and create an oasis within your own home. Of course, this type of air conditioning is not the large, all encompassing central air conditioning that will keep the entire house cool. However, these types of air conditioners can keep your home cooled down quite efficiently if used correctly.

Summer is a great time of the year. The grass is green, the flowers are blooming, and you do not have to heat the house anymore. But, you do have to keep it cool. When the heat builds up in a home it is like an oven. There is really no where for the heat to go. You can create a cross wind by opening a few windows, but that doesn't help with the humidity. Humidity is the real danger in the summer.

Air conditioners are more than just a luxury. For some people they are a necessity. Keeping the temperatures down to a comfortable level is just one function. Small portable air conditioners actually perform three functions. First, they keep the area cool. Second, they also get rid of the humidity by evacuating the heated air through the vents. And lastly, it circulates, and filtrates, the air removing up to 99% of the particles that can be a carrier for asthma attacks or other breathing problems.

Keeping your home cool with small air conditioners can be both energy efficient and easy to do. You just need to know how they operate. It doesn't matter if you are using portable room conditioners or through the wall conditioners, keeping your home at a comfortable temperature can be easily done with a few simple rules to remember.

First, when using a small window type conditioner make sure that it is completely sealed from the outside. This means that you should use plastic, or some foam insulation to block out the heat from the outside and dust particles. You also want to create a tight seal in order to keep the cold air in. This will help the conditioner to be more energy efficient by not having to run harder.

Second, use a low profile type conditioner. Today, with the technologies that are available the manufacturers you can get very sleek air conditioners that are easy to use and very energy efficient. The big clunky ones use a lot of power to keep running.

Third, have an air conditioner that has some sort of temperature control on it and keep it constant. One of the problems that people have when using conditioners is that they are always turning it up and and turning it down. Keep it at a temperature you would want when you are sleeping. This will make sure that you are not wasting energy to run it harder when it has been off for an extended period of time.

Small air conditioners are a good way to keep smaller homes cool. If you have a larger home, a large Bryant air conditioner would help keep the whole house cool through a central system. Keep yourself cooled off this summer with a few small units by using the simple guidelines above.

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