Thursday, May 9, 2013

Central Air Conditioner 101: Excellent For Cooling Living Spaces With Multiple Rooms

There are a wide variety of air conditioners available, and they are all built with the same basic purpose in mind. However the different types available are designed for different purposes. Some are made to cool single rooms, but a central air conditioner is designed to cool large buildings and homes. These are the powerhouses of the air conditioning world and there aren't many places they can't keep cool.

Central air conditioners derive their name form the fact that they have a centralized duct system. Ducts are the channels that the air conditioner used to move air to different parts of the building. They may be run through the ceiling or walls and have vents that release cool air, or in many larger buildings, the ducts can be out in the open.

Ducts are attached to the central unite where the air is actually cooled. The main components of this are the evaporator coil and the blower. The coil is comprised of copper tubing and thin sheets of aluminum. This is what the air passes over in order to be cooled. The thin aluminum strips are used to maximize the surface area so that more air comes into contact for longer. This increases the cooling potential. The blower is basically a fan that keeps the air circulating through the home. It pushes air through the across the evaporator coil and through the system as well as pulls air into the system to be cooled.

The other part of the central air conditioner unit is on the exterior of the building and its main components are the compressor and the condenser coil. The condenser coil is similar to the evaporator coil in design but rather than cool, it releases system heat into the air. The compressor links the two coils and is responsible for maintaining the coolant pressure and circulating it between the evaporator and the condenser.

The Thermostat is the device that tells the unit when to start and stop cooling based on the temperature it is set on. It is usually mounted on the wall close to the central unit. Older thermostats may contain mercury so it's best to call a professional if there is a problem.

If you have a large space or home that needs to be cooled, a central air conditioner is the right choice for you. They run quietly and are almost invisible aside from a few vents strategically placed in each room. These are becoming the most common type of air conditioner as houses grow larger and need more power to be cooled.

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