Friday, July 12, 2013

The 3 Best Air Conditioning Cost Saving Tips

Most air conditioning systems by their very nature are expensive to operate. Whether you have a central air conditioner or a ductless unit, as long as it is a reverse cycle (heating & cooling) unit it will cost you quite a bit in running costs. So how can you save money on your air conditioning system? Below are 3 tips to help you save money when running your HVAC system.

1. Run On Fan Only On Mild Days - Most air conditioning systems come with a built in fan only function. This function allows you to run the fan without using the air conditioners compressor. When your not using the compressor, you are saving money. So on mild days, consider just running the fan to save a heap in running costs.

2. Clean The Air Conditioners Filters - Air conditioners filters get dirty very quickly, and can really harm your air conditioning system. A dirty filter makes the unit have to try harder and harder to get airflow into the system. This wear and tear means your system will cost more to run, and you can potentially damage your air conditioning system. The simplest way to ensure your system lasts many years and to cut running costs is to simply clean the filter at least once per month or as often as is needed.

3. Open A Hot House Up To The Breeze - If you come home on a hot day, the inside of your home may well be far hotter than the outside ambient temperature. Instead of starting your air conditioner and placing strain on the unit, open you house up to allow the breeze in. Opening your house up for a few minutes will drop the temperature substantially. When you finally turn your air conditioner on, it will be starting at a far lower temperature, it will have less work to do and will save you in running costs.

These 3 tips are so basic that anyone can do them. If you stick to these tips however, you can save hundreds off your electricity costs per year.

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