Tuesday, October 15, 2013

5 Essential Wood Burning Stove Accessories

You have made the decision to go with a wood stove this winter.  Now its time to find some accessories that will make using your wood stove easier and more fun.  There are a myriad of accessory choices, but here are a few of  the most essential ones.

Log Carriers and Baskets

If you are using a traditional wood log burning stove, you will need a method for retrieving and storing those logs from the woodpile to the inside of your home.  A log basket or carrier is a handy tool that makes it much easier to transport a number of logs at one time.  They come in various sizes, shapes and materials.  Our favorite is the wicker basket style that transports and stores at the same time.  It is particularly stylish if your home or cottage is decorated in a country style.  For a more sturdy and modern look, there are metal carriers that will do the job.  Always consider your home decor when shopping for a log basket/carrier.

Stove Gloves

Fitting logs inside your wood burning stoves can be tricky.  Purchasing a good set of stove gloves is essential to ensure that your hands are arms are kept safe from the fire and heat.  Although you can use any types of gloves for this purpose, ones that are specifically made for the job are recommended.  Good stove gloves are extra long to cover and protect the arms.   Because they are specially treated with material that withstands high temperatures, they are much safer than a typical glove used during winter months.

Blowers and Heat Reclaimers

Efficiency is the name of the game for wood burning stoves.  Blowers (fans) and heat reclaimers are accessories that will help make your wood stove as efficient as possible.  Keep in mind that any hot air that is not circulated into a room is lost to the outside.  An efficient blower will help circulate the heat throughout a room or house. 

Heat reclaimers are designed to capture heat that would normally go straight up the chimney and circulate that air back into the room.  A highly efficient wood burning stove will have both a blower and heat reclaimer working properly.


A thermometer will not only help you monitor the efficiency of your wood stove, but it will also alert you to any issues involved with overheating.  The thermometer attaches either to the stovepipe or directly onto the stovetop.

Kettles and Steamers

You will want to get the most out of your woodburning stove, so having a few cooking accessories on hand is fun and functional at the same time.   Wood stove kettles can be used for making old fashioned popcorn.  Fill a kettle with water to help humidify a room.  You can even add a touch of potpourri to the water to give the room a special scent too. 

Kettles come in a wide variety of styles, but porcelain covered ones may be the best choice since they resist rust.  If you use your stove for cooking often, consider purchasing a trivet.  Wood stove trivets will help protect the top of your stove from rust spots that could result from the use of a kettle or steamer.  They are made of cast iron and are very durable.

Wood stoves can be a smart decision from both an aesthetic and economical viewpoint.  Wood stove accessories will help your stove be more efficient, fun and safe - all at the same time.

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