Saturday, October 12, 2013

Energy Efficient American Standard Air Conditioning at Its Best

The American Standard Air conditioning Company has introduced the Allegiance line of air conditioners. In this day and age, the Allegiance is the perfect solution to the power crisis and global economic downturn. This model can keep you cool and comfortable on very warm days for very little money. Because it eats up very little electricity, it has become one of the most popular cooling systems in America.

Aside from its amazing economical cooling features, it also comes with a variety of state-of-the-art yet easy to use features. A lot of customers love the way it cools the room quickly with very little noise. You will hardly notice that it's turned on and running at full blast. The only clue that will give it away is the fact that your room will suddenly feel much cooler than a few minutes earlier. You don't have to wait 30 minutes or so for you to start feeling the fresh, clean air surrounding you.

Let's take a closer look at the different American Standard Air conditioning units, especially the Allegiance models. The Allegiance has 3 categories to choose from, the Ultimate, Premium and Contemporary.


  • Allegiance 20 Communicating Air Conditioner

This particular model of Allegiance has a two-stage cooling system that can save you up to 60% in energy bills. It is energy-efficient with up to 20 SEER. It surpasses government energy saving standards and reduces greenhouse emissions significantly. It is equipped with 2 compressors that only use half of its capacity which lowers your energy bills. It also uses an environmentally friendly refrigerant that is Ozone safe. It has variable speeds, spine fin and weather proof.

  • Allegiance 16 Air Conditioner

This unit can save at least 50% of your energy bills. It has up to 18.5 SEER and comes with 2-stage cooling and spine fin. It contains a 2 step compressor with a 2 stage cooling system that uses 70% of its capacity on cooler days and uses the second stage for really warm days at the height of summer. As with the other American Standard Air conditioning units, it is Ozone safe, economical and environmental friendly.


  • Allegiance 15 Air Conditioner

The Allegiance 15 Air Conditioner is the most energy-efficient single stage American Standard air conditioning unit. It has a reliable spine fin coil and durable compressor. This model meets energy efficiency standards and can take advantage of federal energy tax credit if installed as a part of a complete system. Saves up to 47% in energy bills and has up to 17 SEER.

  • Allegiance 14 Air Conditioner

Comfortable cooling abilities, energy efficient and very quiet. Still surpasses government energy efficiency standards and saves up to 43% from your electric bill. The spine fin coil provides effective cooling. It is also equipped with a Duration compressor and weather resistant and rust proof body.


  • Allegiance 13 Air Conditioner

This is the most affordable American Standard air conditioning unit. Although it isn't as energy-efficient as the other models, it still surpasses government standards and saves up to 38% in energy bills. Even though it is the cheapest unit, it still has the same features as the other models such as ozone safe refrigerant, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, rust proof body and reliable cooling.

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