Sunday, October 6, 2013

Home Maintenance HVAC, Plumbing Plans Reduce Emergencies

Most people take their basic home utilities for granted. They don't really notice when their plumbing, heating and air conditioning systems are working, but when one of them goes out, it is missed quickly. Loss of heat, air conditioning and running water can cause serious health and safety concerns, not to mention basic inconvenience. Homeowners that take the time to make sure that their systems are working properly will have fewer unpleasant surprises. Routine checks by the local professional plumbing and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) company will prevent most unexpected problems. While homeowners can perform this inspection and maintenance themselves, they often do not know what to look for or what to do when they find it. The professional does.


Using a regular plumbing maintenance contract often prevents a homeowner from coming home to a flood of water in the kitchen, laundry room or basement. When plumbing pipes burst, they usually do so where there are connections to major appliances. The hot water heater, kitchen sink and washing machine are common culprits in stressing plumbing pipes and hardware. A maintenance plan involves regular inspection of pipes and connections, as well a insulation, water quality and an emergency protection plan. Some companies will offer protection to homeowners to hold a price at the current rate during the entire life of the service agreement.

Air Conditioning

Central air conditioning does more than cool a warm room in the summertime. There are many important components, such as coolant, power and air circulation that can be affected by the use of an air conditioner. There are several different types, and having a maintenance plan will likely prevent them from going down in the middle of the summer on the hottest day of the year. When homeowners have this protection plan, the plumbing and HVAC company will often come out to inspect the unit before the weather turns warm. Any parts or components that need to be serviced or fixed can be taken care of at that time. Cleaning filters and monitoring coolant and output temperatures is a standard part of a maintenance protection plan.


Similar to an air conditioning maintenance plan is the heating maintenance program. A service technician that is familiar with that type of system will do a routine check to make sure that it is working properly. Cold temperatures in wintertime can be deadly to people without heat, particularly senior citizens and young children. HVAC companies can provide proper temperatures, recommendations on the most efficient types of heating and perform basic filter and furnace cleaning to lower health and safety risks.

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