Friday, October 11, 2013

Plant Growth - Using Biological Fertilizer For Your Soil Needs

You are obviously concerned about the condition of your plants and soil. I am going to give you beneficial information about using Microbial Soil Amendments to make your soil more nutrient available.

About Microbial Soil Amendments

If you use the right biological fertilizer, you will start with the healthy soil you need to produce the most delicious and healthy plants, fruits, and vegetables. Pests thrive in unhealthy soil. It is necessary to add microbial soil amendments to our soil to increase the level of bacteria. It is necessary to discourage fungus growth and pest population. Biological fertilizer contains billions of beneficial bacteria and multiplies much faster than negative bacteria. Biological fertilizer is a bacteria that acquires nitrogen from the air and feeds the plant all season long naturally. They are not a fungicide but a bacteria that consumes fungus.

Why Should You Use Soil Amendments

Biological fertilizer with its bacteria supplies 40 to 50% of the Nitrogen that is needed naturally. They also acquire nitrogen from the air and feeds the plants throughout the growing season. Biological fertilizer increases the sugar "brix" level, therefore your crops will be sweeter. Insects do not like healthy plants or plants that have high "brix" levels, therefore insect and disease pressure will be reduced. Using biologicals will help balance your soil and also increase the shelf life of your fruits and vegetables.

All crops need a healthy, biologically enriched soil. After applying to your soil for a few years, you will notice plant growth, difference in foliage and yield on alkali ground that you never had plant growth before. During really hot summers, as you till your soil you would normally get large chunks rolling up from the ground being so hard. Using the correct soil conditioner, your soil will become mellow and will be not be hard as a rock. In turn your tractor will not pull as hard and will use less fuel.

You can also use certain biological fertilizers to get rid of ammonia odor in hog, cattle or horse barns, trailers or pastures. It will also increase the "brix" sugar levels in the hay and better growth. In some, the bacteria will eat into the fly eggs which will give you fly reduction.

How to Apply

Biologicals need to be applied in temperatures below 90 degrees. On warm days, apply toward evening or early morning to avoid direct sunlight. The suggested application time is early spring when soil temperatures are above 45 degrees and the air temperature is above 50 degrees. The long growing season areas such as the southern states will need a 2nd application, maybe necessary around July 15th. You may mix with your starter fertilizer and will not need water as a carrier. You may also apply with a field sprayer, with your planter, seed drill, or through irrigation. You can apply on hay or alfalfa with a boom sprayer. The best time to apply to hay or alfalfa is when the hay is greening up in the spring, or after your first cutting when the hay starts to green up again. It is more advantageous to apply in the spring than later in the season.

When applying to hog, horse or cattle barns and trailers for getting rid of ammonia odor and pesky flies you will use a 2 gallon pump sprayer or a pressure washer the first time. The maintenance has been done by overhead sprinkler systems every 4-6 weeks or you can spray manually with the pump sprayer or power washer each time.

Gardening Application: You can pour into a garden watering can with spout to cover a broader area. Depending on your situation, you may take the sprinkler head off and pour a stream around the plants or trees. After applying with a garden hose you may want to disperse into the soil by using a rake to incorporate into the soil.

You may also use a 32 oz sprayer attached to a garden hose. Spray your flowers, vegetables, lawns, etc. The main reason for applying biologicals is to supply nitrogen, increasing the sugar "brix" levels and balancing the soil. This will make for a wonderful tasting garden. You will apply the same for your garden, lawns or trees as your crops, in the spring when soil temperature and air temperature are above 50 degrees.

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