Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Lowdown on Ductless Heat Pumps

Ductless heat pumps generally deliver air from the indoor part of a heat pump to a space that is cooled without any means of a duct system. The ductless heat pumps are an energy resourceful system for any house. How will they work? Most of these units installed may have a duct system or else an air distribution system; ductless does not. It is just one that will hang on a wall and will deliver air from the indoor part straight to a space, which is cooled without any means of a duct system.

The ductless heat pumps give a unique answer to bringing central air conditioning into homes. By piping the refrigerant to individual coils in air handlers increased throughout a home, heat pumps do not need duct work for the central air conditioning.

The ductless systems combine flexibility of the room central air conditioners with cooling of the central systems. However, some systems give heating and cooling, ductless heat pumps are generally installed mainly for cooling.

In a conventional heat pump, a single indoor unit and single outdoor unit serve entire the house. The air is cooled at an evaporator coil and distributed all over the house through ductwork. In the ductless systems, you will find one outdoor unit that is serving multiple units. Refrigerant is also piped from the outdoor unit by small diameter refrigerant lines straight to the individual rooms and zones. The cooled air is then blown in the room by a fan in individual evaporator components. The term "mini" has been used to describe small indoor units situated in every room or area.

The ductless heat pumps are installed by using the conventional techniques for installation. Nevertheless, extra care should be taken to stop refrigeration leaks as well as to make sure of proper operating pressures. In addition, it takes two installers about a day to install a system having three zones. In addition, wiring for power and controls is simpler than with the conventional unit as wires are run along with refrigerant lines. The refrigerant lines from the outdoor units will span to one hundred feet to the indoor units.

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