Sunday, June 16, 2013

Air Conditioning Units for the Business Owner

Air conditioning is always a sore subject for business owners, who will take one look at the price tag charged for such an item and then proceed to laugh uproariously as they then explain (between chuckling and wiping away their tears) why it is nothing more than a white elephant. However, studies have shown that long term exposure to humid, hot environments can be extremely distressing and traumatic to people, physically, mentally and emotionally.

People become irritable, their cognitive abilities are impaired, and morale is depleted at an alarming rate. Nausea, stomach complaints and lethargy are also associated with an excessively warm environment and so with this in mind then, workplace productivity is going to suffer. Therefore, the purchase and placement of air conditioning units in your business is not an expense, but rather, an investment.

Indeed, you may find yourself the victim of a class action lawsuit conducted either by your employees (or worse, their union delegate) as well as the government. Why the government?

The federal government has introduced a series of mandatory health and safety benchmarks which are minimum standards of quality which employers and business owners are expected to meet and adhere to. Non-compliance of this will leave the business operator vulnerable to sanctions from the government and its various organs.

This is especially true in workplace environments where there are excess levels of dust or other fine particles produced, as these have been proven to be a threat to the lungs causing deadly conditions such as mason's lung.

The purchase of air conditioning units is always guaranteed to derive a groan from business owners and the reason for this is due to their steep price tag. However, it is worth noting that there is no obligation on the business owner to have the air conditioning units installed or fitted within the business. Instead, an alternative solution would be for the business owner to make use of hired, portable units which are strategically positioned around key points of the business for the maximum efficiency, air circulation and traffic control.

If you are concerned about the reliability of the company you are considering purchasing the air conditioning units from, then you may want to carry out some due diligence. Specifically, contacting organisations such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in America, or the Office of Trading Standards in the UK will provide you with a better idea as to whether any complaints have been raised against the business or its agents.

If cost is a concern, then you may want to consult an expert to see if your business would be eligible for tax breaks other a business grant to help defray the costs incurred for the purchase of the air conditioning units.

Whatever you decide, make sure that you purchase air conditioning units that have a high Energy Efficiency Rating. The reason for this is that energy efficient items will not be as likely to squander the electricity that is passed through them, thereby reducing the expenditure incurred.

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