Monday, June 24, 2013

Signs That Your Home's Air Ducts Are in Need of Repair

Like many of the hidden structures that support your home and keep it running, your air ducts may be out of sight, out of mind. However, like everything else in your building, air ducts require occasional maintenance and repair in order to work at their best. Even though they're designed to be durable and to last for years, they can occasionally suffer damage or simply succumb to wear and tear.

That's why it's a good idea to learn the warning signs that you might have damaged ductwork. You probably won't be able to see the tear, hole, or loose connection that's causing problems, but there are other symptoms that can lead you to suspect issues with them. When you experience any of these telltale signs, contact an HVAC contractor who specializes in ducting to conduct a more thorough examination of your system.

The signs that you need your air ducts examined for damage or deterioration include:

  • Poor air quality: Tears or holes in your ductwork can lead to dust and other allergens getting inside the system. Those allergens will then spread into your living area, rather than being filtered out properly. If you notice a drop in your interior air quality-especially if you or a family member is having allergic reactions, asthma attacks, or other respiratory issues-broken air ducts may be at fault.

  • Difficulty heating and cooling properly: If you can't get your rooms cool in the summer, no matter how low you turn the temperature on the air conditioner, you might have a problem with the air conditioning ducts. The same is true for staying warm in the winter. The air leakage that results from openings or loose connections between them will force your heating and cooling systems to work harder to compensate, and depending on the extent of the problem, they may not be able to keep up.

  • Higher energy bills: If your ductwork is leaking air and your air conditioner or furnace is working full blast to close the gap, you're consuming more energy than you would with functioning ducts. A sudden spike in your energy bills

  • might mean that you need repair.

All of these issues could also be signs of a problem with your air conditioning or heating system, rather than your air ducts. That's why it's vital to hire an HVAC contractor who can examine your entire heating and cooling system to locate the culprit. As far as your ducting goes, you might need a few seams resealed, you might need to patch a hole, you might need joins tightened, or you might need some components replaced completely. Only an HVAC expert will know exactly what steps to take to resolve the issue.

It's vital to deal with air duct problems at the first sign of trouble, because by the time you notice a drop in your home's air quality or energy efficiency, they may have been under performing for some time. Waiting to fix broken ducts can shorten the life of your HVAC system, leading to more expensive repairs or replacements down the line. Plus, by solving air duct issues quickly, you're making your home a healthier and more comfortable place to live.

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