Monday, June 3, 2013

A Few Simple Tips To Remember To Make A Bath More Relaxing

This article will hopefully help you to make a guests visit to your home feel more welcoming. We will look at ways in which we can provide your guests with a relaxing bath whilst visiting or one that they can take home with them when they leave. Also in this article we will provide advice on how to make a guest bathroom more welcoming and to ensure that they feel right at home when visiting you.

Firstly let us look at ways of pampering your guests and how to ensure that they can have a relaxing bath which is made for ingredients that you have in your kitchen. First of all why not start with plain rock salt you can either leave it in the size it is (cleanses a person's skin more effectively) or else you can grind it down.

Then to make the salt that little more special there are any number of herbs that can be added to it such as lavender, lemongrass or chamomile or your could add some dried flowers instead (roses, daisies). What you need to do is mix 1 cup of rock salt (or choose Epsom Salts instead) and to this add the ingredients that you have decided upon (remember the more of the ingredient you add to the salt the more fragrant the bath mixture will be. In fact why not make a visit to your local health food store and see what organic herbs or flowers they have that can be used in order to make the bath even more relaxing.

Another tip in order to make a bath more relaxing for your guests it to add a small amount of your favourite perfume or essential oil (mix this with carrier oil). Not only will this add more depth to the smell that the dried flowers you have used and will be released when added to the hot bath water. Once mixed put into either a pretty jar or bottle which can be used as a decoration in the guest bathroom.

Another way of creating a relaxing bath for any guests you have is to place the fragrant herbs or flowers into a muslin or dye free cloth bag and can then be placed into the bath like a tea bag or if you want just place it in the drawers of the guests room. Remember do not use a bag that has been dyed or else this will leak out into the bath and may well stain the bath as well.

Another method is to use unfragranced oils (however you will need more time to produce this). Place the oil in to a pretty jar or bottle then add dried herbs or flowers (don't forget to pick those that not only look pretty but smell good as well). Place a cork in bottle or a top on the jar and allow them to stand in a cool area for a few weeks. As time goes by the fragrance of the herbs or flowers will pervade into oil thus providing another way of giving your guests a relaxing bath.

When decorating the guest's bathroom prior to their visits it's important to remember that the little things will matter the most to them. Think about things that any guest may need such as a rich moisturizing cream or lotion, a mirror, shampoo and conditioner, comb, toothbrush and toothpaste. It might also be worthwhile getting a lint brush as well for their clothes.

Also when looking to decorate a guest bathroom it is important to consider that you want to make your guest feel special. By placing a nice basket with all the items you have collected along with any instructions on how to make a relaxing bath will make your guests feeling extra special (almost like royalty).

Why not place plenty of towels along with a bathrobe if you can in the bathroom and try and spend time each day keeping the guest bathroom clean (even if it just giving a wipe down each day).

So hopefully now that you have learned how to not only produce a relaxing bath but how to decorate a bathroom to make your guests feeling more special then you should be prepared for any visitors that you have (even your in-laws).

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